GySgt Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Repairer/Technician

GySgt (Join to see)

Dates of Service: Apr 1996 - Apr 2016
67% Complete
29 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,644
8,046 out of 867,941 Veterans
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  • Pvt
  • PFC Apr 96
  • LCpl Jan 97
  • Cpl Feb 98
  • Sgt Dec 99
  • SSgt Mar 02
  • GySgt Dec 06

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United States Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant, Assault Amphibian vehicle (AAV) Repairman with Twenty years of steadily increasing responsibility in Leadership, Personal Management/Development, Sales / Recruiting, Military Operations/Tactics, Security, Computer / Systems operations, Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electrical systems, Preventative and Corrective maintenance as well as Motor Trans. Operator.

Military Experiences

Mar 2014 - Mar 2015
B Co
Assistant Maintenance Chief
Supervised the day to day conduct of maintenance of up to 45 AAVs in accordance with applicable references. Supervised inventory control ensuring accountability of all of tools and kits totaling over $218,000. Supervised weekly reconciliation with Platoon Maintenance Chiefs ensuring proper procedures were adhered to and proper maintenance functions were conducted. Supervised the scheduling and conduct of Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services on over 130 pieces of equipment ensuring proper documentation and quality control. Mentored and educated the Staff Non-Commissioned Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers in the platoon providing guidance on the proper procedures of maintenance management and small unit leadership.
May 2013 - Feb 2014
H&S Co
Maintenance Chief
Responsible to advises and updated the Company Commander of the operational readiness of over $200 million in ordnance equipment within the functional areas of maintenance. Served as the Consolidated Material Record processing point for ordnance equipment consisting of over 73 AAVs, 900 weapons, 750 optics, and 1000 other serialized equipment. Processed and dispatched Rapid Requests of over $30,000 worth of secondary repairable to training units to maintain operational tempo and unit readiness. Trained and mentored 2 Staff Noncommission Officers on career progression, better preparing them for further responsibilities and higher billets while also ensuring 15 Marine basic mechanics were trained and higher school training to progress their careers.
Jun 2012 - May 2013
Company Gunnery Sergeant
Ensured that $37,887.57 worth of computers in OMC were accounted for and properly maintained. Managed, and ensured that all required annual training were conducted for 170 Marines. Supervised and monitored all Physical Fitness Test and Combat Fitness test and ensured that reports were submitted to the Battalion S3 in a timely matter. Planned and organized OMC field operation for 60 Marines and ensured that all personnel and equipment with a value of 10,000,000.00 were accounted for. Organized and managed all monthly urinalysis for the company. Ensured that all task and required reports were completed and submitted to Battalion in a timely matter. Fulfilled roles and responsibilities of OMC Company First Sergeant when required.
Nov 2011 - Apr 2012
GS Maint Co
Platoon Commander
Ensured the proper operation, training, control, discipline, conduct and welfare of the platoon. Oversaw all Platoon maintenance operations. Oversaw the conduct of all Marines Corps, Military Occupatioal Specialty, and operational training within the platoon. Conducted internal platoon process reviews, preparing for Field Supply and Maintenance Analysis Office inspections. Oversaw the conduct of all administrative matters of the platoon. Advised the Company Commander and Maintenance Control Officer of a;; pertinent matters as related to the conduct of operations and training within the platoon. Was the responsible officer for a platoon Consolidated Memorandum Receipt valued at $120,000.00


(1 year, 10 months)
Aug 2009 - Jun 2010
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed with a Military Transition Team training the Iraqi Army where I filled the Billets of Headquarters & service Company Commander Adviser a Majors billet, Senor Enlisted Adviser to Iraq Sergeant Major and the Marines on the team, Adviser to Iraqi Maintenance and conducted all maintenance on team vehicles. I received Meritorious Services Meda
Sep 2006 - Jul 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployment with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit that went in to Iraq, where i served as the Platoon Maintenance Chief, Traffic Control Point Staff Non Commissioned Officer in charge and as the Intelligent Information Officer. for my Actions i received a Navy and Marine Corps Metal

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Apr 2012 - Jun 2012

Jan 2012

Ground Ordnance Maintenance Chief's Course (GBS)

Aug 2005 - Sep 2005

Sep 2001 - Dec 2001

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Apr 2010 - Jun 2010

Ended in Nov 2005

Security Clearance