LCDR William Higgins [LION1000+]

LCDR William Higgins [LION1000+]

Dates of Service: May 1981 - Jun 1986
78% Complete
29 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,447
8,191 out of 866,660 Veterans
About Discussions


  • ENS May 81
  • LTJG May 83
  • LT May 85
  • LCDR May 91
Commissioning Source:  USNA, May 1981

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jul 1983 - Apr 1984
USS Boston (SSN-703)
I joined the Boston during a deployment to the Indian Ocean. While my duties were to qualify as Engineering Officer of the Watch and Engineering Duty officer, my divisional duties all had to deal with safe operations forward. I was responsible for the review of each message that left the ship. We maintained all ships communications and crypto gear. I also was the ships CMS custodian.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Personal Information
