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I am a Possibility Engineer” for nonprofits and small businesses that want to raise more money and attract more support for their causes and projects. I'm a US Air Force Veteran with a broad background of service to small businesses and nonprofits who wants to provide value to others personally and professionally on a consistent basis. I want to do this effective and efficiently by creating accountability, better systems, and more focus.
Military Experiences
Nov 1988 - Oct 1993
Comnm Cuputer Systems Ops Supervisor
Supervises and performs Communications-Computer Systems (C-CS) operations and executes associated information systems support programs. Administers Communications Security (COMSEC) and Information Assurance (IA) programs. Performs daily network management, control, and administration of information flow in Network Management (NM), Help Desk (HD), Information Protection Operations (IPO), and Network Administration (NA). Oversees network configuration, faults, performances, and security management through HD, IPO, and NA functions.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees