Recent Activity -
To stay connected and reconnect with friends and former co-workers while connecting to other Soldiers, NCOs and Officers that know what selfless service means.
Military Experiences
Oct 2016 - Present
Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
Served as the Brigade Operations Sergeant Major for a 4,400 Soldier Infantry BCT: responsible for operational planning and the military decision making process including the development of plans, orders, and annexes; advises the Brigade Commander, Executive Offcier, and Operaions Officer in adminstravtive, tactical and technical matters; accountable for planning and resourcing Brigade training and tasks; responsible for coordination and tracking of all NCOES and MOS specific courses; trained and assisted six SGMs in all operational aspects; oversees accountability of S3 equipment in excess of $10 million; served as the Brigade Command Sergeant Major in his absence.
Jun 2014 - Oct 2016
Squadron S3 Sergeant Major
Serves as an Operations Sergeant Major in a Light Reconnaissance Squadron consisting of 454 Soldiers; primary advisor to the Operations Officer for doctrinal planning and resourcing of training and operations; supervises and ensures manning and employment of the Squadron Tactical Operations Center; manages daily operations to include schools, land management, taskings, orders distributions, briefs, and Squadron rehearsals; responsible for the professional development of six Officers, nine Noncommissioned Officers, and five Soldiers; responsible for the care and maintenance of equipment valued at $2 million.
(2 years, 5 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Feb 2015 - Mar 2015
Structured Self Development Level 5
Apr 2003 - May 2003
M2A3 Master Gunner Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees