Recent Activity -
USMC, MGySgt (E9) Ret. Post ret. military association in DC - testified numerous times before congress on military veterans and survivors issues. Dir. of the N.FL Learning for Life program providing character education for 6 districts. Project Manager for contractor, several online training programs, including the Marine Corps Corporal's Course. Currently, PjM creating online courses for the Army.
Registered Lobbyist 9 years, daily contact with Congress and Staff, testified numerous times before congress on military issues. Retiree day, speaker giving presentations on military issues. Director of the N. Florida Learning for Life, character education for 6 school districts. LSI Inc. Project Manager, Marine Corps training programs including the Cpl’s Course. Most recently, Information Experts Project Manager creating courseware for the Army.
Registered Lobbyist 9 years, daily contact with Congress and Staff, testified numerous times before congress on military issues. Retiree day, speaker giving presentations on military issues. Director of the N. Florida Learning for Life, character education for 6 school districts. LSI Inc. Project Manager, Marine Corps training programs including the Cpl’s Course. Most recently, Information Experts Project Manager creating courseware for the Army.
Military Experiences
Jun 1975 - Oct 1996
My initial assignments were in the infantry where he served with the 2nd Marine Division and later as an instructor at the Officers Candidate School in Quantico VA. I also spent several years working at all levels of recruiting for the Marine Corps, managing several different recruiting stations in both upstate NY and the Washington DC area, Regional Recruiter Instructor as well as an Instructor, Manager and Instructional Systems Specialist, at Recruiters' School, National training team for Marine Corps recruiting in Washington DC.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character