CPT Darisse Smith

CPT Darisse Smith

Dates of Service: Aug 2000 - Mar 2007
46% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 830
45,314 out of 867,689 Veterans
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  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT
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After 7 years in the Army, I pursued many different careers including Veterinary Diagnostic Sales, Customer Service, Motivational Speaking, Comedy and Freelance Writing. My experience dealing with chronic pain led me to become an advocate for other veterans through writing and speaking. Currently, I am a SAHM by day and a freelance writer by nap time. I am a freelance writer, motivational speaker and occasional stand up comedian. I was medically discharged from the Army with a severe back injury that left me in chronic pain. My experience in obtaining the right healthcare has led me to advocate for others in chronic pain with a particular emphasis in veteran's healthcare. I was featured in the documentary, "Comedy Warriors: Healing Through Humor."

Military Experiences

Feb 2006 - Mar 2007
10th CAB HHC
Brigade S4 (Rear)
Responsible for the logistics, supply and budget issues for the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade. Main duties include acquisition of mission-essential supplies, contracting, budget tracking and the movement of items to units forward in Afghanistan. • Planned and managed the turn-in of over 3,200 pieces of equipment for all rear detachment units during Operation Enduring Freedom. • Analyzed and tracked the Flying Hour and Training Budget, totaling over 30 million dollars. • Planned and executed the commitment of 5 million dollars; prioritized Brigade’s equipment needs.
Dec 2005 - Feb 2006
ROK LNO Liaison Officer
Responsible for the health and welfare of 30 U.S. soldiers and civilians in a remote combat environment. Responsible for establishing a consistent supply network of sanitary food, water, shelter, finance and postal service for Liaison team at Camp Zaytun, Iraq. Advised Korean Zaytun Division in all supply, logistics and aviation safety issues. • Coordinated for the delivery of over 500,000 gallons of fuel to Korean Army in Irbil, Iraq. • Advised the Kurdish Regional Government in aviation safety issues, leading to the opening of the first commercial civilian airport in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein. • Created an entire logistics and supply network for 30 U.S. soldiers and civilians in remote combat environment. • Ranked #1 out of 20; awarded prestigious DMSM.
Oct 2003 - Nov 2004
A Co
Platoon Leader
Responsible for the health, welfare and training of 10 warrant officers and 12 enlisted crew chiefs. Accountable for over 40 million dollars worth of helicopters and aircraft survivability equipment. • Led over seven training missions as an Air Mission Commander, included three live-fire exercises with infantry troops. • Planned and executed a maintenance program that resulted in a 95% equipment readiness rate, exceeding the Army standard by 10%.


(1 year)
Feb 2005 - Jan 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
There are only a couple of dozen U.S. Soldiers who had the odd experience I had in Iraq. I served and lived with a S Korean Division of 3000 Soldiers in Irbil, Iraq, the largest Kurdish city in Iraq. Our job was to aid the Koreans in building hospitals and schools for the Kurds in Northern Iraq. We ate lots of kim chi and fish heads.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1996 - 2000

Davidson College

Bachelor's Degree, English - General

Personal Information
