39% Complete
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13 Contacts
Influence Score: 662
54,620 out of 867,288 Veterans
54,620 out of 867,288 Veterans
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Thank goodness for Google Calendar. My schedule changes from minute to minute and I wouldn’t have it any other way because I love what I do.
Believe it or not, my military background prepared me well for a career in real estate. I grew up an army brat, in Massachusetts… and Texas, and France, and Rhode Island, then carried on the family tradition as an MP in Alabama, Germany, Maryland, Kentucky
Married almost 40 years.
Two adult children, both married to wonderful people.
Three fantastic Grand Children who we enjoy spending time with greatly.
(2 years, 1 month)Dec 1975 - Dec 1977
Served with the 165th MP Company in Fischbach Germany.
Bill is also President of the Phoenix Chapter of VAREP, Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals. VAREP is focused on education and employment, making real estate transactions smoother and easier for Veterans and Military Personnel, and instructing other real estate related prof.