43% Complete
0 Endorsements
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 8,757
6,478 out of 868,041 Veterans
6,478 out of 868,041 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Sep 2012 - Aug 2014
International Affairs Sergeant Major
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the International Affairs Division; assisted the Military Personnel Exchange Program and Schools of Other Nations (MPEP/SON) program Branch Chief to develop and implement program policy and guidance; in concert with Theater Armies monitored MPEP positions and ensured program personnel were properly selected, trained, assigned, and supported; advised and assisted the Division Chief for allied and partner nation NCO development issues; advised Country Desk Officers regarding NCO and Enlisted Soldier matters; coordinated and integrated HQDA staff functions and support through the NCO Support Channels. Interacted with partner nation embassy personnel, attaches, foreign students and visitors on a weekly basis.
Aug 2009 - Aug 2012
Exchange Sergeant Major
Summary: MPEP Exchange SGM to the Dutch Army. Created and presented courses on NCO selection, education, assignment, utilization, pay, retirement, benefits, etc. Conducted Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity courses at all levels of NCO training. Conducted course on “Moral and Ethical Decision-Making in Combat” using comparisons between the Dutch wartime experience in WWII and a USMC event in Haditha, Iraq. Conducted a two-day presentation and staff ride training event on Dutch military preparations and conduct at the Battle of Grebbeberg. Prepared or verified Dutch to English translations for the Dutch Army “Knowledge Center”, the English Training Section, Dutch Guest Instructors to the NATO School, and the International School in Switzerland.
May 2005 - Aug 2009
S2/S3 Sergeant Major
Summary: Seventh person assigned to AWG and was principle architect of the fused S2/S3 (Operations and Intelligence), of which I was the first SGM. Designed and executed intelligence and operations functions and connectivity with national-level agencies. Was on the first four-man team deployed to Iraq, when AWG was just 17 people strong, to design and test AWG operational concepts. Established the CoIST (Company Intelligence Support Team) concept in Iraq and transitioned it to the Army as a program of record. Established the “Attack the Network” concept, in conjunction with a British Search Adviser, profiling and attacking/exploiting insurgent caches and the "soft" logistics networks and personnel.
May 2004 - May 2005
Activity Sergeant Major
Was a Command Sergeant Major equivalent of a specialized Counterintelligence Activity with detachments in Qatar, Iraq, Germany, Hawaii, and Fort Meade. Managed all headquarters staff functions and activities; managed all enlisted personnel; advised the commander on personnel, training, and readiness matters. Created the "Check Ride" program to assess all new personnel to ensure every Agent had a baseline set of skills and capabilities.
(2 years, 8 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Feb 2009 - Apr 2009
Netherlands Army Sergeant Major Course
Mar 2003 - Apr 2003
Air Force Senior NCO School
Aug 1992 - Nov 1992
ANCOC - Military Intelligence
Feb 1988 - Aug 1988
Advanced Individual Training - CI Agent (97B)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Oct 2013 - Nov 2013
Security Cooperation Planner Course
Aug 2006
CSM Force Management Course
Jun 2006 - Jul 2006
Command Sergeants Major Course
Apr 2000 - Jun 2000
Joint CI Force Protection Source Operations Course
Foreign Language Skills
Dutch (2+/3)