Recent Activity -
Multi-disciplined professional experienced in electronics maintenance and maintenance management, training and training management, EEO/AAP compliance and investigation, technical writing and, logistic planning. A team-builder and problem solver with the unique ability to work under pressure in expected and unexpected contingencies.
Diversified and increasing responsibilities in retail, electronics and government operations. Always becoming a effective team member finding ways to improve efficiency, and boost employee and/or customer morale.
Diversified and increasing responsibilities in retail, electronics and government operations. Always becoming a effective team member finding ways to improve efficiency, and boost employee and/or customer morale.
Military Experiences
Dec 1998 - May 2002
Chief of Training
Directed and Implemented the units inaugural Space surveillance training program of a new, one of a kind Optical Command, Control and Communications Facility. Developed and maintained the Master Task List, Initial and Annual Plan of Instruction, lesson plans, training scenarios, and knowledge test. Directed 4 remotely located sights in the performance of space surveillance duties. Functioned as squadron intel officer.
Nov 1995 - Nov 1998
Space Systems Console Supervisor
Plan, coordinate and execute space surveillance taskings for government and civilian agencies. Plans and Scheduling NCO; developed policy, plans and operating Instructions for systems Operations, configuration, scheduled and coordinated system time for training, evaluations and maintenance. Unit recall roster manager, SORTS monitor, voting officer and Quality Assurance Evaluator; built the QAE program overseeing a multi-million dollar maintenance contract. Space track Analysis Officer building a program that became the standard for AFSPACE passive space systems. Unit intel officer.
Jul 1992 - Nov 1995
Space Systems Crew Chief
Responsible for the detection and report of ballistic and space launched missiles/rockets. Tracking and reporting of space objects. Responsible to the crew commander for operational control of 20 people and unit resources. Served as operations security monitor, space track analysis NCO and on crew evaluator.
Mar 1991 - Apr 1992
Meteorological Technician
Maintain, install and calibrate fixed and tactical Meteorological and Navigational Aids Equipment. Project Manager for installation of VORTAC System and Cloud Height System upgrade, installing the system self-help in lieu of a specialized installation team. Re-engineered the installation when work wasn't completed by a contractor to upgrade airfield wiring so that both old an new systems could be used until the upgrades were completed. Also served as QC representative. Supervised 2 Airmen. Developed and implemented the shop cross-utilization program. Training 5 Airmen.
(5 months)Nov 1988 - Mar 1989
Support tactical air navigation efforts for the continuing flying mission of Joint Operations Bravo.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees