61% Complete
0 Endorsements
11 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,397
27,989 out of 867,294 Veterans
27,989 out of 867,294 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Greetings to RallyPoint. I am a semi-recently Army Retiree after almost 30 years in the Reserves and Active Duty. I look forward to meeting some new folks and blasts from the past.
Military Experiences
Oct 2010 - Oct 2013
Military Secretary to the Director
Strategic advisor to the Director and 13 other senior executive civilian and military leaders. Responsible for the development and oversight of all HC plans, polices, and programs impacting the readiness, staffing, and training of 520+ civilians and military personnel who develop national military operations and plans, provide guidance to US combatant commanders, and, relay communications between the President and the Secretary of Defense.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
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