SFC (CA) Roland Dell

SFC (CA) Roland Dell

Dates of Service: Feb 1980 - Dec 2007
65% Complete
206 Contacts
Influence Score: 17,368
3,462 out of 866,660 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Feb 80
  • SA Apr 80
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG Aug 97
  • SFC Mar 09

Recent Activity  -


USCG to U.S. Army (Watercraft) technician (SSG USAR). SFC, (Chaplain Assistant) Maryland State Guard (2009-2011). OEF mobilized 2003-2004. I had a Massive heart attack wearing a rubberized dry suit, while undertaking my unit's annual water survival training at FT MEADE,Maryland in Feb 2005. Medically Retired from the U.S. Army in 2007.

Military Experiences

Aug 2009 - Nov 2011
Chief of Chaplain's Assistant (SFC)
I served as the Chief of Chaplain's Assistant from 2009-2011 for the State of Maryland Emergency Management (MDDF- military dept.). We didn't have a qualified LTat the time, so I coordinated events, investigated details and contact information, of individuals needing Chaplaincy services. And ran the enlisted section, while representing the Chaplain's office. I resigned in 2011, for what I considered unbiblical and compromising practices of the State concerning the faith.
Sep 1986 - Dec 2007
949th Transpo
Dual Status Technician
Baltimore, MD. Adam S. Brandt, U.S. Army Reserve Center; AMSA#83 (Watercraft) Marine Machinery Technician.
Feb 1980 - Dec 2007
Platoon Sergeant
I experienced an NDE in water survival training on my 20 years of service, due to a too tight drysuit which eventually stopped my heart. I became the Chief of Chaplain's assistant with the STATE GUARD (SFC) after my medical discharge from active duty, due to my 6 years of training in street ministry, Church leadership and various credentialing. I am now retired from civil and military service.


(3 years)
Feb 2003 - Mar 2004
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
In support of troops and equipment overseas.
May 1980 - Feb 1982
(USCGC Munro 724) Honolulu, HI.
Auxiliary Machine Division

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Feb 1980 - Dec 2007

Marine Machinery Technician

Marine Engineer's Courses, Factory schools, U.S. Army (MOS) schools

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Universal HVACR (utility equipment)

Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2005 - 2006

Emmanuel Baptist University

Clinical Addiction Counselors

1983 - 1989

Baltimore Bible Institute

Doctorate, Adult Ministry
