43% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 927
40,295 out of 868,039 Veterans
40,295 out of 868,039 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Recruit at MCRD San Diego Nov 68 - March 69
Initial MOS 0369 (Mortarman) - Trained with 81mm Mortar
Vietnam Service May 69 - March 70 Assigned to Combined Action Group, 2-7-2 RVN Lived in village of Thanh Quit, RVN
CONUS assigned to MCAS Beufort, SC MAG-31, MABS-31
Reenlisted for promotion to Sgt., Bonus pay, and duty station Marine Barracks, Pearl Harbor, HI 1973 - 1977
Initial MOS 0369 (Mortarman) - Trained with 81mm Mortar
Vietnam Service May 69 - March 70 Assigned to Combined Action Group, 2-7-2 RVN Lived in village of Thanh Quit, RVN
CONUS assigned to MCAS Beufort, SC MAG-31, MABS-31
Reenlisted for promotion to Sgt., Bonus pay, and duty station Marine Barracks, Pearl Harbor, HI 1973 - 1977
Military Experiences
Operation Ur
22 MAU Intelligence Officer
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
PGIP Defense Intelligence College, Ft Belvoir, VA MSSI
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees