SGT David Emme

SGT David Emme

Dates of Service: no date specified
67% Complete
29 Contacts
Influence Score: 28,087
2,218 out of 864,896 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SPC Mar 93
  • SGT Dec 03

Recent Activity  -


Was a Supply Sgt in a RSTA sqdn that went through transformation within a Stryker Brigade (2/14 CAV) out of FT Lewis 2001-2004. Am now retired and a disabled vet because of wounds recieved in combat in Iraq. Recieved a BA in Business Administration from Muhlenberg College with a concentration in Supply Chain management in 2016. Am looking to return to the workforce as a part of my recovery.

Military Experiences

Started in Oct 2006
Supply Sergeany
Am a retiree...yipeee


(2 months)
Oct 2004 - Nov 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Supply Sgt supporting a Calvary Troop in a RSTA in a Stryker Brigade, Charger Troop, 2-14 CAV. Major accomplishments? Not dying after getting wounded twice in seven weeks. Served with the greatest group of men without whom I would be dead after the second time I was hit with a penetrating head wound by an IED in Tal Afar, Iraq, 19 Nov, 1004.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
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