AN Fredric Deckert

AN Fredric Deckert

Dates of Service: no date specified
68% Complete
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,155
19,314 out of 866,759 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Jul 68
  • SA Sep 68
  • AN Jun 69

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Six years manufacture assembly & test of 11/70 mini computer Plus 18 years of materials experience in repair/ manufacture stockroom for Digital Equipment Corp. Ten years experience of semiconductor chip manufacturing with Intel Ma. Corp. PC repair certificate for three month course at Salter School in Worcester, Ma. Q4 1999. Learned basic computer operations, system ops, memory management, etc.

Military Experiences

Sep 1968 - Feb 1970
Plane Captain on Line Division. Pre & Post flight inspections; refueling; hot Brake inspection; Braking chute packing. Deploy to a carrier for flight crew carrier qual for day/ night launch/ recovery. Squadron was a fleet training replacement sqn.


(3 years, 9 months)
Jul 1971 - May 1972
Assigned to V-4 Fuels Division, Mostly worked in below decks pump room. Learned fuels procedures. Operated pumps during Air Ops to Flight Deck refueling stations. took tank fuel depth sounding during tank filling operations. Assisted as needed.
Mar 1970 - Jun 1971
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
CBMU-302, Builder in Vietamization Dependent Shelter Program NAVCAT-11 Hon KHOI, 8" Cinder block Mfg, NAVCAT-18 Siagon.
Sep 1968 - Feb 1970
Plane Captain/ Crew Chief on Line Div. Pre & Post flight inspections, Assist flight crew with strapping in, refuel aircraft, repack braking chutes. Direct aircraft out of flight line parking area towards runway access. On-board ship, Tie down aircraft when not involved in direct air ops, ie. taxing to catapults or returning from landing area.

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

CBMU-302 Assoc.Geneology. USN aircraftNascaroriginal NascarUSN carriers