SSG Sean Gallagher

SSG Sean Gallagher

Dates of Service: Sep 1998 - Jan 2007
77% Complete
61 Contacts
Influence Score: 23,374
2,645 out of 864,952 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Aug 98
  • PV2 Sep 98
  • PFC Sep 99
  • SPC Nov 00
  • SGT Oct 01
  • SSG Mar 04

Recent Activity  -


I spent eight and a half years as an Airborne Infantryman with the 82nd and the 173rd. Since then I have worked in the construction industry, and have earned a college degree. My goal going forward is to obtain a position where I can fully utilize my diverse experience and personal relation skills to positively impact my company, and make a significant contribution to any potential employers. Graduated from Oak Ridge High School. Worked in retail for Rite Aid Pharmacy and the Nike Outlet Store, and the food service industry at the Serrano Golf Course and Country Club until joining the United Sates Army in September of 1998.


(1 year, 9 months)
Feb 2005 - Dec 2005
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Rifle Squad leader for the first 10 months in country where we conducted multiple combat operations. The last two months was spent training ANA soldiers at an NCO Academy that I helped establish.
Feb 2003 - Sep 2003
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Night time Battle NCOIC for the TOC for the first three months in country, then got promotabe to SSG after passing the board and was sent back down to the line where I spent four months as a rifle team/squad leader.
Feb 2000 - Mar 2000
We spent a month over there cross training with an Omani infantry unit where we taught them squad attack/platoon attack, day and night land navigation, and proficiency in small arms weaponry. We were supposed to do a jump with them so that we could earn some foreign jump wings but the jump got scratched. (Story of my life)

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

2003 - 2006

Combat Infantryman Badge

Mar 1999

Foreign Language Skills



Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2007 - 2012

University of Phoenix

BS Organizational Security Management

Personal Information

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