Recent Activity -
I work for you. When you accomplish your mission my job is done
Military Experiences
Jun 2006 - Jun 2010
Platoon Leader
•Check vehicles to ensure that mechanical, safety, and emergency equipment is in good working order.
•Maneuver trucks into loading or unloading positions, following signals from loading crew and checking that vehicle and loading equipment are properly positioned.
•Collect delivery instructions from appropriate sources, verifying instructions and routes.
•Maintain logs of working hours or of vehicle service or repair status, following applicable state and federal regulations.
•Report vehicle defects, accidents, traffic violations, or damage to the vehicles.
•Secure cargo for transport, using ropes, blocks, chain, binders, or covers.
•Drive trucks to weigh stations before and after loading and along routes to document weights and to comply with state regulations.
•Drive trucks with capacitie
Nov 2004 - Jun 2006
induction, cooling, fuel, oil, compression, combustion, turbine, gas turbine compressor, exhaust and propeller systems; preflight aircraft; conduct periodic inspections on engines and engine-related systems; field-test and adjust engine components, including fuel controls, pumps, valves and regulators; remove, repair and replace compressor and turbine blades and combustion chamber liners; preserve and depreserve engines, engine accessories and components; and supervise engine work centers
(1 year, 5 months)May 2010
Good Conduct
Military Credentials
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information