51% Complete
0 Endorsements
11 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,471
27,044 out of 868,090 Veterans
27,044 out of 868,090 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Executive leader specialized in guiding analytical and research experts to achieve strategic goals.
Military Experiences
Aug 2010 - Aug 2013
Senior Requirements Analyst
Created an analytically-rigorous methodology to enable a holistic approach to Joint Force Development through the assessment and prioritization of 530 required capabilities and gaps across all Joint functions based on risk to mission accomplishment.
Aug 2007 - Jul 2010
Analysis Branch Chief
Managed an intensive and complex annual assessment to identify capability gaps and prioritize development efforts for the Army, thereby mitigating risk for the Future Force. Conducted strategic coordination and communication to inform trades in the Army’s planning and budgeting processes.
Jul 2004 - Jul 2007
Dissertation research focused on the quantitative analysis of the connectivity value of networked operations, and required an in-depth understanding of Combat Modeling, Systems Analysis, Applied Optimization, Agent-Based Modeling, and Risk Analysis.
Jan 2001 - Jun 2004
Combat Operations Analyst
Collection and analysis of observations at the operational and strategic levels to develop a plan of action to improve Joint warfighting capabilities. Managed modeling and analyses in support of Joint Experimentation.
(3 years, 2 months)Apr 2004 - May 2004

Collected and analyzed observations during the resumption of violence and made recommendations to improve ongoing operations.
Jan 2003 - Jun 2003

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
o Collected and analyzed observations from resulting in a plan of action to improve Joint warfighting capabilities.
o Led the hasty deployment of a 110-person reconstruction unit into the dynamic environment of Baghdad in April 2003.
o Led the hasty deployment of a 110-person reconstruction unit into the dynamic environment of Baghdad in April 2003.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees