MAJ David Wallace

MAJ David Wallace

Dates of Service: Jun 1986 - Apr 2014
90% Complete
73 Contacts
Influence Score: 60,525
1,177 out of 868,048 Veterans
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  • 2LT May 86
  • 1LT Nov 87
  • CPT Jan 91
  • MAJ May 05
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1986

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I am thankful to God Almighty for the life he has given me. I love life and I love people. At a young age, I felt a calling to become a Soldier. I loved being a Soldier and I had great times with the most dedicated and diverse bunch of American patriots that I call family. I retired from the Army in 2014 and from police work in September 2018. I am now a US History and English teacher in a military school.

Military Experiences

Jun 2013 - Apr 2014
2-317 RGT
Battalion Commander
As the acting BCT battalion commander, I supervised and directed approximately 140 Soldiers assigned to six geographically dispersed locations throughout central Virginia. Working with company commanders and staff, I strove to keep training pertinent to conditions in theater, physically and mentally challenging, while building individual, team, and unit proficiency. Finding qualified NCOs to become Drill Sergeants produced many challenges and opportunities, but our Soldiers completed every assigned task to the highest standards and well above expectations. This was due in great part to the high caliber Soldiers and non-commissioned officers that made up the battalion. The smartest decision I made was to keep everyone engaged in making our unit the best it could possibly be.
Jun 2011 - May 2013
2-317 RGT
Battalion Executive Officer
As the second-in-command of an Army Reserve (BCT) battalion, I served as the commander's chief of staff in all matters. As the XO, I supervised all battalion staff sections and commodity/low density MOS specialists. Working with these professional specialists, I learned more about each staff function and worked with them to improve our processes and to develop better systems to support our Soldiers and their families. I continued to work with the Family Readiness Group to improve relationships and communications between Soldiers, Families, and our area communities.
Sep 2006 - May 2011
2-317 RGT
Operations Officer (S3)
Returning from OIF III, I began working in several operational and training assignments with my old unit in the 80th Division (IT). As a BCT Battalion, our job was to train raw recruits and turn them into the best Soldiers available anywhere in the world. Composed of young junior and senior NCOs, our Drill Sergeant corps proved to be instrumental in passing on "lessons learned" to those new Soldiers in basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC; Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; and Ft. Benning, GA. My duties included coordinating training areas, ammunition, supplies, and all necessary support to keep our unit in a high state of training and readiness and to support those BCT companies serving at the Active Duty training centers. Our Drill Sergeants proved to be an invaluable resource in force generation.
May 2005 - Aug 2006
MTT Team Officer and Team Leader
Mobilized on Mother's Day, 2005, I joined several members of our Basic Combat Training (BCT) Brigade, 3rd Bde, 80th Division (IT) in mobilization training at Camp Atterbury, IN. After a brief 'shake and bake' course on being military advisors, we shipped out to Iraq via way of Kuwait. After a month of theater-specific training, we flew into Baghdad and Taji to draw equipment. We then met our Iraqi infantry battalion in Tal Afar. Our ten man team trained the Iraqis on all staff functions, equipment and vehicle maintenance, logistic operations, and military planning and operations. We were in contact with the enemy on numerous occasions with four of my guys receiving the Purple Heart. Being an advisor was a great experience; every officer should look for this unique opportunity.


(1 year, 9 months)
Aug 2005 - Aug 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
MTT team leader assigned to an Iraqi Infantry Battalion. Worked with 3rd ACR and 3rd SF Grp.
Sep 1990 - Apr 1991
Southwest asia ribbon
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Support platoon leader, 2nd Bn, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101ST Airborne Division, Air Assault, the "No Slack " Battalion.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jan 1992 - Mar 1992

Apr 1989 - May 1989

Mar 1988 - Apr 1988

Oct 1986 - Nov 1986


Dec 1996

Virginia Basic Law Enforcement Certification

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Started in 2015

Mary Baldwin College

Teacher Licensure Program, (ongoing ), Middle School Language Arts

1982 - 1986

Personal Information

101st airborne3rd acr80th division98th divisionbct0a0a02f4 Community ServiceCurrent Eventsdesert stormdrill sergeantsiraqIsis logo ISIS19a59372 JROTC1d9cb5a3 KurdsLeadership abstract 007 LeadershipGetakwwcoach MentorshipMiddle east logo Middle Eastmosul6262122778 997339a086 z PoliticsPrepping logo PreppingStar Promotionstal afarMilitary civilian 600x338 TransitionVeteransvfwvietnam; world war 2
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