CPT Dustin Plumadore

CPT Dustin Plumadore

Dates of Service: Jun 2002 - Jun 2007
58% Complete
0 Endorsements
25 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,022
36,641 out of 867,689 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT Sep 05
Commissioning Source:  USMA, Jun 2002

Recent Activity  -


Nevada and D.C. licensed attorney with experience in trial practice, litigation management, complex insurance analysis, and a postdoctoral masters education in health law. Additional work background in surgical sales and marketing, personnel and project management, and leadership of direct reports and teams ranging from 4 to 135 personnel. Member of Nevada Bar, District of Columbia (D.C.) Bar, U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada, U.S. Court of Appeals for Veteran's Claims Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC) through the Compliance Certification Board (CCB). Licensed property and casualty insurance adjuster in all state jurisdictions requiring licensure.

Military Experiences

Sep 2005 - Jun 2007
1-17 FA
Battalion Supply Officer
As Battalion Supply Officer, commanded 3 person team planning and executing logistics and service support for 521 person field artillery battalion. Responsible for managing equipment and property worth $50 million and $1 million operating budget.
Aug 2004 - Sep 2005
1-17 FA
Battalion Ammunition Officer / Battery Executive Officer
As Ammunition Officer, was second in command of a 135 person artillery battery and led 20 person team maintaining and providing logistics support for 400 person artillery battalion. Responsible for managing battalion ammunition account worth $2.8 million, maintaining 30 vehicles and equipment worth $16 million, battery risk management program, nuclear, biological, and chemical program, hazardous material program, force protection program, and arms room.
May 2003 - Aug 2004
Platoon Leader / Executive Officer
As Executive Officer, was second in command of a 50 person artillery unit responsible for training 1,000 students annually at the U.S. Army Field Artillery Training Center. Responsible for vehicles, equipment, and high-tech artillery simulators worth over $40 million. As Platoon Leader, led 34 person team providing artillery support for 4,000 person Corps.
Jun 2002 - Jan 2003
Graduate Assistant
Served as a Division 1A varsity collegiate assistant coach and leader developer of over 600 cadet athletes. Legal research assistant in United States Military Academy’s Department of Law.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2009 - 2011

UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law

J.D., Law

1998 - 2002

United States Military Academy (USMA, West Point)

Bachelor's Degree, Industrial & Systems Engineering
