MAJ Reginald K. Smith

MAJ Reginald K. Smith

Dates of Service: Aug 1982 - Oct 2009
61% Complete
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,925
21,376 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SPC Sep 84
  • SGT Oct 85
  • SSG Dec 86
  • SFC May 91
  • 2LT Jun 95
  • 1LT Jul 97
  • CPT Jul 99
  • MAJ Oct 05
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1995

Recent Activity  -


Military experience in the Field Artillery, logistics, training and operational roles. I provided leadership on group tasks from leadership building exercises to planning exercises. As a contractor, I provided Field Artillery Fires expertise to clients in the development and evaluation of military training and doctrine. Expertise in planning and executing all phases of military training exercises.

Currently serve as a Fires SME on Doctrinal Training Team 19 out of MTC Gowen by providing Fires expertise to National Guard units as part of their Staff training. Served as the Battle Staff team leader in Afghanistan by providing all ANA newly formed units with the ANA MDMP. Served as a Combat Support Kandak team leader, delivered appropriate end-to-end training to the fielded CS units in the Corps area, while mentoring the CS officers and NCOs.

Military Experiences

Oct 2006 - Oct 2009
101st CAB HHC
Brigade Fire Support Officer
I was responsible for mentoring the task force fire support elements consisting of 21 personnel during combat and combat simulation exercises in preparation for deployment to support the war on terrorism. I educated and analyzed the task force’s ability to integrate and synchronize lethal fire support and the employment of attack aviation, reconnaissance operations and close air support. I provided information during mission analysis on the employment of kinetic and non-kinetic operations and target acquisition systems. I conducted coordination laterally with maneuver brigade combat teams to support air operations when conducting ground tactical planning. I served as the subject matter expert on all field artillery systems that supported aviation operations.
Oct 2005 - Sep 2006
101st STB
G3 Operations Officer, Division Battle Major
As a G3 Operations Officer, I was responsible for the day to day operations of the Multi National Division – North, Iraq battle command center and at Fort Campbell responsible for the current operations of the division. This included the timely submission of all required reports to Mutli National Corps – Iraq, quality control of all events reported, the status of current combatant and garrison operations and internal and external tasking management. I led the G3 current operations shop updates and events brief to the command group. I provided detailed analysis to the Commanding General and the staff primaries as required regarding current operations to assist in timely decision making within the division. I used the CPOF as the primary system used in coordinating Division activities.
Dec 2003 - Sep 2005
Observer/Controller - Battalion Operations
Responsible for mentoring the TF Fire Support element consisting of 34 personnel during live fire and force on force combat simulation exercises at the NTC. I analyzed the task force’s ability to integrate and synchronize lethal fire support and the employment of attack aviation and close air support. I provided observations during the use of lethal and non-lethal fires in order to support the combined arms commander. As the Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, (HHB) observer controller trainer at the NTC, I was responsible for coaching and training the HHC Commander and the Battalion Ammunition Officer in planning, rehearsing, and executing all missions in a high intensity force on force, stability and support operation, and live fire scenarios with the COE.
Apr 2002 - Nov 2003
2-11 FA
Battery Commander
As the Battery Commander, we were DS to 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry regiment assigned to the 2d Brigade Combat Team. I trained, planned, coordinated and executed all operations within the battery which included worldwide no notice, 24-hour deployment sequences. I was responsible for the health and welfare and training of two officers, 26 NCOs, and 37 enlisted Soldiers and responsible for the combat readiness and accountability of six M119 howitzers and 21 wheeled vehicles. As the interim Battalion S3, I maintained a current operation estimate of the situation in coordination with other staff officers. I prepared, authenticated, and published the overall training guidance in support of FY 2002. I recommended task organization and assigned tasks to subordinate elements of the command.


(2 years, 1 month)
Dec 2007 - Jan 2009
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Served as the Aviation brigade Chief of Operations responsible for current operations facilitating over 220 air assaults. Supervised the Brigade tactical operations center. Synchronized the fire plans and ensured rapid deconfliction of airspace and facilitated effective counter-fire missions.
Nov 2005 - Sep 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Supervised 54 officers and NCOs on the Battle Command Center floor during the daily tracking of six coalition brigades and four Iraqi divisions operating across an area of operation 168,000 sq. miles. Issued verbal daily updates to the Division Chief of Staff. Implemented and authored the first ever Battle Command Center SOP.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jan 1997 - Feb 1997

M109A6 Paladin Commander's Course

Apr 1996

JANUS Army Interactor Training

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Nov 1995

Oct 1988 - Dec 1988

U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School at Fort Sill

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees


1992 - 1995

Cameron University

Bachelor's Degree, Mathematics

Personal Information

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BadmintonRubik's CubePing pong paddle Table TennisVolleyball logo Volleyball
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter