Recent Activity -
Grew up in the Kingwood Area of Houston. Played Lacrosse in High School and in College. I have three amazing kids and my oldest son will be attending Shorter University in Rome, GA this fall. He will also be playing lacrosse there as well.
Military Experiences
(2 years, 1 month)Feb 2011 - Sep 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
I was the Assistant Team Leader of Team 4, Det 4-4,4th Civil Affairs Group assigned to support Lima Company, 3/2 during their deployment to Afghanistan.
Sep 2006 - May 2007

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I was the Combat Engineer Platoon Commander attached to 3/4 for engineer support during their deployment .
Feb 2003 - Sep 2003

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I was the ground supply officer supporting 3/2 that was apart of Task Force Tarawa during the invasion into Iraq.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
May 2005 - Sep 2005
Marine Corps Combat Engineer Officer's Course
Oct 2001 - Jan 2002
Ground Supply Officer's Course
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees