74% Complete
0 Endorsements
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,854
22,216 out of 866,620 Veterans
22,216 out of 866,620 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Started in traditional SIGINT analysis, then test bedded for AF-NTI "idea." Next did Air Force Special Ops SIGINT Support. Moved into Air Operations Center(AOC) collection mgt for ISR Ops (ISR Div), then live ops (Combat Ops Div), & finally analysis for Analysis, Correlation, Fusion (ISR Div) and special programs (Combat Ops & Strategy Divs). Finished career as AF-NTI for Nat'l level resources.
Military Experiences
Feb 2009 - May 2014
AFNTI Op for 1 year, then assumed psuedo Superintendant roll on and off, while essentially growing into the roll of mission management and enterprise expansion for both AF-NTI, non-NTI ntelligence units, and eventually traveling road show for critical non-intel units. Selected as AF-NTI evaluator for potential site expansion, as well as enterprise wide collaboration rep for 566 IS AF-NTI matters.
Jan 2005 - Jan 2009
ISR OPS CM, Combat Ops CM, ACF Analyst
Began as NCOIC for Collection Ops Mgmt for approx 2 years under ISR Div. Transitioned to Collection mgmt for live fly ops under Combat Ops Div, and took up as NCOIC for all non Air/Air Defense analysis out of Analysis/Correlation/Fusion team, specializing in emerging space threats and analysis for special programs. Also was physical security lead for 3 SCIFs.
(1 year, 6 months)Nov 2010 - May 2011
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
IJC J2 RC Collection Tiger Team Lead. ISRD Superintendant (temp). ISRD Collection Lead/Fusion Specialist.
Mar 2007 - Sep 2007
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
SIDO (temp). ISARC Duty OIC (temp). ISARC Technician.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
May 2006 - Jun 2006
Intelligence Reconnaisance Operators Course
Jul 2012
Link Unit Manager
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Personal Information