SPC(P) Operating Room Specialist

SPC(P) (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
72% Complete
3 Endorsements
108 Contacts
Influence Score: 10,575
136 out of 175,145 E-4s
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  • PVT Aug 04
  • PV2 Feb 05
  • PFC Jul 05
  • SPC Jun 06


I joined the US Army in 2004, straight out of high school. I went to BCT at Ft Leonard Wood and AIT phase 1 at Ft Sam Houston. Phase 2 of my AIT waas at Ft Gordon, after which I obtained the MOS of 91D (68D now) Operating Room Specialist. I have been an OR Tech since 2005 and have currently over 2,000 hrs of scrub time. You might ask why I'm still a SPC since I've been in since 2004. The reason is is that I needed to grow up. I have had UCMJ action 4 times, and was found guilty on 3 of them (2 Summarized and 1 Company Grade AR-15s. Found Not Guilty against a Field Grade.). I've never lost rank, however, and have never repeated my actions that have lead to the UCMJ. I've learned from them, and have grown into a better Soldier and a better Leader because of them.
I'm currently stationed at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. My strongest surgical skills are in General surgery, Trauma surgery, OB/GYN surgery, Urology surgery, and Plastic surgery. I'm strong in Ortho, Podietry, ENT, and Eyes. Since working here at LRMC I've started doing Spines and Neuro surgery, though I still feel more comfortable having a second tech assist me in the cases.
I take great pride in my job and am considered by the majority of the nurses and doctors that I've worked with to be a great tech. That being said, I have no problem asking my fellow techs for help or advice, even if I've been scrubbing longer than them. You can always learn something from everyone. If I'm scrubbing a case that I've never done before, I will do research on it to prepare myself and to make sure that the case goes as smoothly as possible.
I love being a Soldier and I'm really working hard to get promoted to be an NCO. I love taking care of and helping my fellow Soldiers and always let them know that if they need to vent about anything that I'm more than willing to listen.
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter