52% Complete
0 Endorsements
8 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,665
12,599 out of 867,936 Veterans
12,599 out of 867,936 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Have been a police officer since getting discharged. Can't believe how much time has passed. I started in 1986 with VF-191 Satins kittens after boot. Was sent to VF-124 for training and then back to 191. Unfortunately we changed defense secretaries and he saw fit to dismantle our CAG. I was then transferred to VF-114 where I was capped from airman to E-4.
Military Experiences
May 1986 - Mar 1989
Aviation Structure Mechanic (AM) (Hydraulics and Structures)
Plane Captain while in VF-191, received plane captain training in VF-124 and then was in the AMS/AMH shop in VF-114.