Recent Activity -
Enlisted as a Human Resources Specialist and reclassification to a Paralegal Specialist, I have served in the Active Army, Army Reserves, and now the Active Guard Reserve. I never had the intent of making a career out of the Army and never thought possible achieving the rank of Master Sergeant. I love sharing experiences and developing leadership skills in others while developing my own skills.
Military Experiences
Feb 2012 - Jun 2017
Aug 2008 - Feb 2012
Chief Paralegal NCO
Served as the Chief Paralegal NCO, responsible for the career management, professional development and training of 18 enlisted Soldiers; advised the commander on all enlisted issues to include schools and promotions; managed the DTMS and TAMIS databases; prepared and maintained the dashboard metrics to include maintaining the ITRS database; input and monitored all school requests through ATRRS; assisted in the review of all DTS travel authorizations and vouchers; prepared monthly promotion reports and assisted Soldiers in assembling individual promotion packets; prepared monthly training schedules; and assisted in the preparation of the Yearly Training Brief slides and Unit Status Report.
Jan 2006 - Jul 2008
Senior Paralegal NCO
Served as a Senior Paralegal NCO on the operational staff of the Commanding General for a growing and transforming command with Soldiers located coast to coast; provided guidance to commanders on procedural aspects of Article 15 non-judicial punishment, letters of reprimand, administrative separations and military justice; assixted Soldiers with powers of attorney and other legal assistance matters; performed legal research; assisted the Deputy Staff Judge Advocate in all areas of training, including the Company Level Pre-Command Course, ethics training and other 84th Training Command courses; wrote several articles that appeared in the command staff bulletins.
(4 months)Jun 1991 - Sep 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
As a member of the S1, HHT, 1st Squadron, 11th ACR, Fulda Germany, I processed evaluation reports and awards for the Squadron. I participated in the "Doha Dash". If you don't know what this was, I recommend looking it up.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Dec 2004
Small Group Instructor (SGITC)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information