Recent Activity -
Worked on T-33 Shooting Star at Griffiss AFB, Rome NY in 1981, and transition the the F-15C at Bitbrug AB, GE in 84, 53rd Nato Tigers, Then 27th FS Langley, AFB deployed to Gulf, PCS to 494 FS At Lakenheath and PCS to the 2nd FS at Tyndall AFB. I worked always as Crew Chief, QA, FOD NCO, Senor MOC, Flight Line expeditor and wow 20 years of service to our great nation and I Retired in 2001
Military Experiences
Nov 1984 - Nov 1988
Alert Force Supervisor
alert force crew chief and supervisor
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
InterAmerican University
Industrial Electronics
Foreign Language Skills
Spanish (4/4)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Started in 2007
Federal Aviation Administration Academy
certified, Airworthiness Indoc.
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character