MSgt James Meyers

MSgt James Meyers

Dates of Service: no date specified
33% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 110
217,059 out of 867,294 Veterans
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  • AB
  • Amn
  • A1C
  • SrA
  • SSgt
  • TSgt
  • MSgt

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Military Experiences

Jun 1988 - Feb 1993
Superintendant of NORAD Combat Operations
My last duty assignment until retirement. Initially assigned as an Emergency Actions Controller, then assigned to Norad Combat Operations. Primary duties were to scramble alert aircraft for the safety of the Continental United States against any perceived threat. Provided immediate communications for CINCNORAD to the National Command Authorities. I was the primary supervisor for the design and implementation of a new reporting structure for the cruise missile program. I retired and eventually became a Sergeant for the Colorado Springs Police Department. Now retired from both - fulfilled.
Jun 1985 - Jun 1988
Air Lift Center, Emergency Actions Supervisor
Airlift Control Center Supervisor. Provided control of all airlift in the European, Mediterranean, and African Theaters, originating in theaters and transitioning to and from the United States. One of the busiest jobs I've ever experienced. Diplomatic Clearances, movement of weapons, active control of aircrew management and emergency actions. Supervised the implementation of a the Global Decision Support System with the Jet Propulsion Lab and a new secure voice system with Red Switch in Richardson, Texas...
Jun 1982 - Jun 1985
Ogden ALC (OO-ALC)
Emergency Action (EA) Controller
Same duties as my previous assignment (1977-1979) although we no longer had F-4s to monitor, just the four squadrons of F-16s, and frequently monitored the F-105s from the Air National Guard squadron on Hill AFB.
Jun 1979 - Jun 1982
Close Air Support Controller
A mobile unit with approximately 100 duty personnel from a myriad of different Air Force Specialties. I was a supervisor of the Air Operations charged with the set up of an Operational deployment with HQ 5th Army, in support of Close Air Support of assets from all over Europe. A very interesting assignment for the times. We deployed into the hills and forests of W. Germany in camouflaged gear, vehicles, and netting, but almost always in the mud. I had additional duties of the deployed erection of operations sites, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical supervisor/trainer, and Ops Supervisor.