MAJ Bill Rausch

MAJ Bill Rausch

Dates of Service: no date specified
85% Complete
117 Contacts
Influence Score: 26,756
2,332 out of 868,081 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT
  • MAJ 13
Commissioning Source:  USMA, 2002

Recent Activity  -


Bill Rausch is an energetic and accomplished executive leader with strong background in veteran advocacy, government relations, community engagement and relationship building. Mr. Rausch has diverse and proven expertise in public speaking, media appearances, business development, networking and transition assistance.

Bill Rausch is the Exec Dir at Got Your 6. He is a former Army Major with 10+ years of service including 17 months in Iraq serving under Generals Casey and Petraeus. Prior to joining GY6, Bill was Political Director at IAVA where he oversaw policy and advocacy campaigns. Prior to his veteran advocacy work, he was a Senior Consultant supporting the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense while assigned to the Pentagon.

Military Experiences

2010 - 2013
2006 - 2007


(1 year, 5 months)
May 2006 - Sep 2007
Iraq ribbon

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools


Information Operations Qualification Course (IOQC)

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1998 - 2002

United States Military Academy (USMA West Point)

Bachelor's Degree, Geospatial Information Science


Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher

Army | Infantryman

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter