Carlos Sarabasa
69% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 245
8,940 out of 215,452 Civilians
8,940 out of 215,452 Civilians
Recent Activity -
I've had the honor of working side by side with some of the bravest service men and women of the armed forces. My contribution within the federal contacting relm was in mission critical communications deployment and training and support. This is and always will be a high point in my career.
Journyman Electrician , Telecomunications DWDM,CWDM Satellite and RF Transmission
Journyman Electrician , Telecomunications DWDM,CWDM Satellite and RF Transmission
International Experience
(2 years, 2 months)May 1992 - Jun 1994

Professional Development Schools
Feb 1994 - May 1996
Bell Labs
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Role(s)
Academic Degrees
Personal Information