COL Fred Johnson (Retired)

COL Fred Johnson (Retired)

Dates of Service: May 1985 - Oct 2014
72% Complete
90 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,409
9,299 out of 868,063 Veterans
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  • 2LT
  • 1LT
  • CPT
  • MAJ
  • LTC
  • COL Feb 08
Commissioning Source:  -

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An ambitious and effective business executive with proven abilities in creating and growing strategic relationships, business development, managing projects, focused on improving efficiency and effectiveness of operations. A successful track record of building winning teams with over 29 years of proven leadership and success in the United States Army.

Military Experiences

U.S. Army Recruiting Command, Fort Knox, KY 2012-2014
 Synchronized the operations of a 12,000 person workforce with marketing intelligence to maximize the effects of $11.3 million advertising budget.
 Supervised 250 personnel in the U.S. Army Recruiting Commands largest directorate.
 Directed the talent acquisition of up to 90,000 entry level members of the U.S. Army annually.
NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan, Kabul, Afghanistan 2011-2012
 Advised the senior military officer in the Afghan Army on US/NATO/Afghan wartime operations.
 Built close, cooperative relationships to gain consensus with local and regional US and European Union Governmental organizations and agencies, and other non-governmental agencies. Supervised all facets of building a sustainable capacity and capability of NATO and other multi-national partners with the Afghan National Security Forces to include Afghanistan’s Ministries of Defense and Interior.
U.S. Army Accessions Support Brigade, Fort Knox KY 2009-2011
 Directed the daily operations of a 300 person organization with a $20 million budget that included a fleet of 20 mobile exhibits, a National Conventions and Branding Directorate, five aircraft, five exhibition parachute teams and seven competitive and exhibition shooting teams.
• Supervised event marketing for the U.S. Army throughout the United States and world-wide.
• Built credibility, established rapport, and built strategic partnerships with stakeholders at multiple levels, including those external to the organization. Established effective working relationships and met regularly with representatives in federal, state and local governments, the private sector and academia.
 Defined and initiated in
U.S Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA 2008-2009
 Selected to attend the highest level of training in the U.S. Army for future leadership opportunities.
 Studied strategic thinking and problem solving and leadership of large organizations.
 Received a writing award for best Personal Monograph and won Public Speaking award.


(3 years)
Aug 2011 - May 2012
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Advisor to the ANA Chief of Staff
Jul 2006 - Sep 2007
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
3-2 SBCT DCO and Brigade Troops Battalion (Provisional) Commander
Dec 1995 - Mar 1996
Operation Joint Endeavor
Brigade Planner, RFCT, 1st Armored Division and Center of Army Lessons Learned Operations Officer
Oct 1990 - Apr 1991
Persian/Arabian Gulf
S1 Personnel Officer 3-187 Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (AASLT) during Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1997 - 1998

US Army Command and General Staff College

Master's Degree, General Studies

1981 - 1985

Wofford College

Bachelor's Degree, Government and Sociology


SPC Mark Beard

Army | Unit Supply Specialist

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
LTC Victor Badami

Army | Trained, ORSA

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter