SSgt Elizabeth Sullivan

SSgt Elizabeth Sullivan

Dates of Service: Aug 1997 - Aug 2005
47% Complete
13 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,262
30,251 out of 864,744 Veterans
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  • AB
  • Amn
  • A1C
  • SrA
  • SSgt

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Started in Sep 1999
366 MSS
Personnel Readiness Unit
Did everything to do with deployments(CED Orders). If an individual, group or even the wing deployed, I did all the paperwork, cut the orders, booked any flights needed etc.


(9 months)
Jun 2004 - Nov 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed with AFSOC to Balad AB as J1 and PERSCO. Recieved AFCOM
Sep 2001 - Nov 2001
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Mtn Home where I was assigned was the AEW on call so when the towers fell we were out within the week. Recieved AFAM then came home early for an assignment to Korea