48% Complete
0 Endorsements
11 Contacts
Influence Score: 610
59,036 out of 867,310 Veterans
59,036 out of 867,310 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Oct 2010 - Sep 2012
ASW/ASUW Tactical Air Controller (ASTAC)
Controls/supervises control of aircraft in tactical operations. Operates/supervises operation of radar, NTDS, communications and associated equipment in the exercise of air control functions. Participates in search and rescue and aircraft emergency operations. Ensures correct positioning of aircraft in specified areas, air corridors and approach or departure tunnels. Operates the LAMPS MK-III weapons system and OJ-194 NTDS consoles. Controls and directs the communications, overall tactics, sensor information correlation and integration, flight safety, sonobouy, and data link operations of ASW/ASUW aircraft.
May 2005 - Sep 2007
The officer who supervises the operation of the combat information center (CIC) is the CIC watch officer (CICWO). The CICWO acts as a representative of the CIC officer. The duties of the CICWO include the following: Supervising personnel on watch in CIC, ensuring air, surface, and submarine contacts are detected and reported within the capabilities of the equipment Keeping the OOD advised of recommended procedures for maintaining station, avoiding navigational hazards and collisions, and speed or course changes necessary to change or regain station Keeping the OOD informed concerning all radars in operation and those under repair Ensuring all CIC logs are properly maintained.
Oct 1999 - May 2005
ASW/ASUW Tactical Air Controller (ASTAC)/ CDLMS Operator
Maintain Combat Information Center (CIC) displays of strategic and tactical information, including various plotting boards and tables depicting position and movement of submarines, ships and aircraft as well as tote boards containing data relevant to the tactical picture. They operate surveillance, tracking and height-finding radars, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) equipment, HF, VHF and UHF radios, Tactical Data Link (TADIL-A/Link 11, TADIL-J/Link 16, etc.) systems and displays, and computerized consoles and peripheral equipment that allows them interface with the Aegis Combat System. They operate encrypted and non-encrypted long and short range radiotelephone equipment as well as intraship communication systems.
(2 years, 7 months)Oct 2006 - Apr 2007
Military Credentials
Security Clearance