SN Timothy Ehrenhaft

SN Timothy Ehrenhaft

Dates of Service: Jun 1989 - May 1992
51% Complete
12 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,460
8,206 out of 867,939 Veterans
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My diverse background in sales and entertainment allows me to draw from a variety of skill sets and experiences to adapt quickly to changes in order to formulate new or different solutions for efficient and effective task management and project completion. I have a proven record for completing long-term projects as well as short-term tasks, while adhering to the spirit of the overall vision.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Apr 1990 - May 1990


Sep 1989 - Dec 1989

AMS A School

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees