82% Complete
1 Endorsement
32 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,787
873 out of 87,498 E-6s
873 out of 87,498 E-6s
I joined the Army in August '03 and attended Basic Training/ AIT at Ft. Jackson, SC. I was stationed at Fort Bragg, NC in the 18th ABN from '04-'07 then PCS'd to Schofield Barracks, HI where I was assigned to the 225th BSB from '07-'13. I supported 1-21 INF BN as well as 2-14 CAV. I then PCS'd to Vilseck, GM in '13 where I was assigned to RSS, 2CR. Currently I'm assigned to E Trp. FST, RES, 2CR.