Recent Activity -
Accomplished senior leader and mentor with over 28 years’ experience in leading multifaceted organizations focused on planning, training, systems automation, program management and crisis response operations. Able to ensure collaborative thinking, planning and execution of multinational operations in a comprehensive, and efficient manner. Active Top Secret / SCI-SSBI security clearance.
Military Experiences
Jul 2013 - Aug 2014
Chief Operations Officer, Task Force Asia (Afghanistan)
Chief Operating Officer of a Task Force within the Comprehensive Crisis and Operations Management Center (CCOMC) of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), with primary responsibility to receive, analyze and report operational information and develop strategic assessments, short term plans and policies concerning the Central Asian Republics. Synchronized SHAPE-wide staff efforts in support of NATO missions and related staffing processes and actions. Developed and communicated command group directives and guidance to subordinate headquarters and provided advice to senior military and civilian leaders within NATO. Led and directed the efforts of a multinational and multi-functional team comprised of 11 Lieutenant Colonels from nine nations and 3 NATO civilians.
Jul 2010 - Jul 2013
Director, TRADOC Capability Manager Virtual
Exercised full line authority of the Commanding General TRADOC to serve as the Army’s centralized planner, manager, and integrator for all combat development activities associated with virtual simulators, simulations, and related components of the virtual training environment, including the $2 Billion family of Combined Arms Tactical Trainers and over 120 other virtual training systems. Coordinated with field units and user proponents to determine their virtual training requirements; advocated virtual training system requirements for funding with Headquarters Department of the Army, coordinated development, testing, fielding, and life-cycle management of virtual training systems in partnership with the materiel developer.
Jan 2008 - Jul 2010
Deputy Chief of Plans (CJ5)
Deputy Chief of Plans for the multinational Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC). Responsible to the Chief of Plans for organizing and directing the operational and contingency planning effort of the Corps’ Planning Group (CPG) consisting of over 40 senior officers from 15 NATO nations across the ARRC Headquarters. Directed the efforts of the Plans Branch to meet planning requirements, managed assigned projects, developed doctrine and policy and liaised with the Combined Joint Planning Staff, other NATO Headquarters and major subordinate commands. Assisted the Chief of Plans in training the CPG and CJ5 Plans personnel, capturing lessons learned and in developing or updating ARRC standard operating procedures. Also served as the Chief of Staff for the Corps’ Tactical Assault Command Post.
Jun 2005 - Jan 2008
Battalion Commander
Task Force Commander of a USAREUR based M1A1 AIMS Tank Battalion consisting of 834 Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen and over 230 vehicles forward deployed to Schweinfurt, Germany and Ramadi, Iraq in support of OIF 06-08 and the Global War on Terror. Responsible for the training, morale, welfare, discipline, safety, and combat readiness of all personnel and equipment valued in excess of 500 million dollars. Trained, coached and mentored the Task Force leadership and Soldiers personally and professionally ensuring cohesiveness, lethality and combat readiness. Responsible for the Family Readiness Group and ensuring Soldiers and family members were fully and accurately informed, self-reliant, and responsible members of the local community.
(3 years, 5 months)Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Nov 2010
Capability Development
Oct 1995
Systems Automation
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character