Recent Activity -
I have done just about everything an MP can do except die or retire, and im working on my medical retirement right now.
Wrestler, Football, Track, Kickboxing, Bouncer. Lawrence North, Indianapolis.
Wrestler, Football, Track, Kickboxing, Bouncer. Lawrence North, Indianapolis.
Military Experiences
Oct 2012 - Present
Desk Sergeant
I have been the midnight shift desk sergeant for the last 20 months and now I am going through the medical retirement process. If anyone has ever been to Ft. Leavenworth then it makes sense when I tell them that this is the place where careers go to die!!!
Feb 2007 - Feb 2011
Team Leader
The 501st was the last Division MP Co in the Army. We didnt really ever work the road as Military Police, we just trained to deploy. Ranges and vehicle training took up most of our time, and we deployed two times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn.
(2 years, 7 months)Dec 2009 - Jan 2011

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
On this deployment, I was on Camp Liberty. i worked as the Personal Security Officer for one of the Division Commanders, and when he left, I went on to work on a PSD squad for one of the other Division Commanders.
Sep 2007 - Jan 2009

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
My unit started out at Speicher but my platoon ended up at Warhorse. I was a designated sharpshooter throughout the deployment. I also worked the majority of the time as a 50 cal gunner and as a driver. i ended up getting an RG33L and I transported hit teams and HVTs.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret