38% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,836
22,433 out of 867,502 Veterans
22,433 out of 867,502 Veterans
Recent Activity -
C# .Net SQL programmer for the past 6 years
Military Experiences
Aug 1995 - Jan 1996
I took the DLPT for French shortly after I got to Campbell hoping that would get me into some place where I could use the language skills. Nothing happened until January of 95, I was on a cleaning detail and got sent to G3 and orders were there for DLI. A 3 month course in Haitian Creole for French speakers with a variety of MOS in the class, I was the only 11B.
The TDY assignment in Haiti was with the 2nd ACR in a camp that was called "War Eagle Base" and got renamed just before I left, a company of the 327 from Campbell was there too.
I worked as an Interpreter on patrols, and between Djibouti officers and NCO's who spoke French and shared the camp with us.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Foreign Language Skills
French (3/3)