Recent Activity -
Currently I am looking for a place to grow and build a career. I am a trainer and have been doing corporate level training for the last four years. I am currently completing two Masters degrees one in Human Resources Management and the other in Human Resources Development. I have done instructional design and enjoy building training for everything from new product releases to organizational change
Military Experiences
Jan 2008 - Sep 2010
Training NCO
Develop and ensure all members of Bravo battery 2nd LAAD were trained to maintain deployment status.
Jan 2004 - Dec 2007
Field Radio Operator
• Managed the unit budget for supplies and new equipment
• Monitored equipment usage and adjusted work priorities resulting in a more flexible and productive work environment
• Motivated other specialist through example and collaboration where needed resulting in numerous jobs being completed ahead of time
• Interpreted federal and local statues pertaining with the use of reference materials and manuals as published by Federal, State, and local agencies.
• Two and a half years as a unit noncommissioned training officer included helping over 30 Marines enroll in college courses and take advantage of both Veteran’s and Military Tuition Assistance educations benefits, and file for VA compensation and acted as an intermediary for funds disbursement
• Coordinated with private contractors and
(1 year, 4 months)Mar 2008 - Oct 2008
Mar 2007 - Oct 2007
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jan 2006 - Mar 2006
Detainee operations Course
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees