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Military Experiences
Sep 1978 - Feb 1983
Wh. Vehicle Tech. Insp.
Wh. Vehicle Tech. Insp. for an Engr. Bde Cbt. Hvt (Constr.) with 5 Bn.'s 6 German Labor Svc. Bn.'s across Germany. S-4 and S-4 Maint. Battle Staff.
I was the S-4 and S-4 Maint. Rep. at Grafenwhoer Trng. area in preparation for Graf "82" Range Upgrade Project. Supervised Maint. on Ranges and in MotorPools throughout the Granfenwhoer Area of Operations.
P/T Driver to the Bde. / Community Cdr. and Brigadier General for my last Year and Half Assigned to the Bde. Inspected Wheeled Vehicles on Project Sites throughout W. Germany, and NATO Nations.
Jul 1977 - Sep 1978
Asst Motor Sgt
Assisted the Motor Sgt. in all Maint. and Shop Ops. and Platoon funcstions. Appointed as the DAES for the Company.
Nov 1974 - Jul 1977
Asst. Motor Sgt.
This was my 1st assignment in the Army and was taught a lot I went from Pvt-2 to Sp/4 in about a year.
Assisted the Motor Sgt. in all Maintenance functions of the Battery. Assisted the Motor Sergeant with the OJT Program.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jan 1996 - Jun 1996
Track Vehicle Repairer
Foreign Language Skills
German (1+/-)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance