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I have over 25 years experience in the Intelligence community in support of Conventional and Special Operations Forces. 21 years of that time I was in the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) field as a Technician and Collector. The last 5 years I have worked in support of Counterintelligence (CI) and HUMINT ops working analysis and future automation solutions. I have 72 months of deployed experience.
Military Experiences
Mar 2008 - Sep 2009
Responsible for training MSO to deploying CI and HUMINT personnel in all aspects of Military Source Operations to include debriefing operations, advanced questioning principles for use with both custodial and non-custodial sources, interrogation approach strategies for custodial operations, and Behavioral Symptoms Analysis for deception detection. Trained over 3000 combat arms and other non-HUMINT personnel on Passive HUMINT Collection activities using Tactical Questioning techniques under the Every Soldier a Sensor program for utilization on the current asymmetric battlefield. Training also involved Theater specific cultural awareness and legal principles of detainee handling.
Jan 2005 - Apr 2008
Chief, HUMINT Training and Development, TD&I
Responsible for the design, development and integration of active and reserve component Army and Joint HUMINT training. Analyzed critical HUMINT tasks and developed performance steps and measures for individual tasks. Prepared and submitted training requirements and analysis system documentation in accordance with TRADOC regulations and the Automated Systems Approach to Training (ASAT). Reviewed lessons learned and emerging doctrine, force structure, equipment, tactics, techniques and procedures to anticipate future HUMINT training requirements. Significant accomplishments include Lead Developer of the Joint Interrogation Certification Course and lead developer and principle author of the U.S. Army training and certification program for the restricted interrogation technique Separation.
Mar 2007 - Mar 2008
Deputy S2X/Operational Management Team Chief
Managed and provided operational oversight to seven HCTs forward deployed in support of the initial surge operations in Baghdad, Iraq. Supervised the administration, handling and in-depth assessments of all HUMINT sources. Conducted debriefings of selected personnel and and and managed the debriefing program for the Brigade. Managed all aspects of interrogation operations for the Brigade to include policy oversight and quarterly training requirements for interrogators. Conducted Interrogations of seven Brigade High Value Targets and provided guidance in the interrogations of specific detainees. Managed CI Screening Operations as part of the overall Force Protection posture for the Brigade.
Jul 2002 - Nov 2004
HUMINT Section Chief,
Operational Management Team Leader for Tactical Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Teams (THT) forward deployed to Baghdad, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Managed all HUMINT collection activities in direct support of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division to include Tactical Source Operations, Interrogations and Debriefing operations. Tracked collection requirements for the THTs and served as the focal point for all THT taskings. Provided direct intelligence oversight of all HUMINT operations and intelligence products from the teams. Supervised the administration, handling and in-depth assessments of all HUMINT sources. Ensured proper editing and dissemination of all HUMINT products produced by THTs.
(3 years, 2 months)Feb 2007 - Mar 2008

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deputy S2X/Operational Management Team Chief, 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Forward Operating Base Falcon, Baghdad, Iraq. Volunteered to deploy with 4th BCT, 1st ID from Fort Huachuca. Description above in Military experience.
May 2003 - Jul 2004

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Worked as a THT leader from June 2003 to December 2003 in Aadhamiyah, Baghdad, Iraq conducting and managing tactical source, debriefing, and interrogation operations in support of the Brigade’s collection focus. Worked as the OMT Chief for 1BCT from December 2003 to July 2004 as described above in Military Experience.
Aug 1990 - Apr 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Interrogator in Co. A, 313th MI BN, 82nd Airborne. Conducted Force Protection Operations in support of 82nd ABN DIV security posture during Desert Shield Operations. Conducted Interrogations and debriefings in support of 1st Brigade, 82nd ABN DIV's offensive and sustainment operations during Desert Storm operations.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1993 - May 1993
Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course (97E)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Feb 2004
Reid Interview / Interrogation
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher