Recent Activity -
Spent four years working at KKCS radio in Colorado Springs, CO. Since moving back east to Ohio/West Virginia area have worked for J.C. Penny warehouse in Reynoldsburg Ohio. Worked nine years for Calltech / Teleperformance performing troubleshooting over the phone for Internet, Phone, and Television. The last two years I have been bouncing around from one minimum wage job to another. I know my skills and experience are not being utilitized.
Military Experiences
Jan 1990 - Apr 1991
Team Leader
Turn-in 84 Communication Shelters for redistribution to National Guard and Reserve Units. Motivate soldiers to do there best at all times, not just when they could get a day off.
Dec 1986 - Jan 1990
Responsible for operating and maintaining two single channel radio communications shelters and all of the equipment necessary to complete any mission.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 1990 - Dec 1990
MSE Resident School
Apr 1985 - Jul 1985
Advanced Individual Training 31C
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jun 1990 - Aug 1990
Basic Non-Commissined Officer Course
Jan 1989 - Feb 1989
Seventh Army VII Corps NCOA
Sep 1987
Seventh Army Team Chief Course
Aug 1989
Certificate of Achievement
Sep 1986
Certificate of Achievement
Foreign Language Skills
German (1/1)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees