67% Complete
0 Endorsements
25 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,184
14,115 out of 867,320 Veterans
14,115 out of 867,320 Veterans
Recent Activity -
I am currently a student at the Univeristy of Idaho and a little under 2 years away from graduating with my BS in Food Science. I also have graduated from the Culinary Institute of America with an Associate of Professional Studies in Baking and Pastry Management. I plan on going on to graduate school for a masters and doctorate degrees.
I can make cakes, cookies, candies, pies, breads, and other various pastry and bread items.
Military Experiences
(1 year, 4 months)Sep 2006 - Dec 2007
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I was in maintenance for a GSAB unit while we were deployed to Iraq. I was just a Spc working on aircraft the entire time.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees