72% Complete
0 Endorsements
32 Contacts
Influence Score: 8,391
6,726 out of 867,999 Veterans
6,726 out of 867,999 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
May 2003 - Sep 2005
Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2)
- Primary Intelligence Officer for an armor battalion deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom from April 2004 - April 2005. Supervised all analysis, targeting, and exploitation of intelligence to defeat terrorist and insurgent activity in the Dora district of Baghdad, Iraq.
- Managed the Battalion security plan, accounting for threat analysis, physical security, and all force protection measures for over 400 Soldiers through continental US based and foreign based rail, convoy, and forward combat base operations.
- Responsible for the security of classified computer systems, a digitally equipped command post vehicle, and all intelligence related field equipment in excess of $4 million dollars. Responsible for the welfare, morale, and training of one officer and four enlisted Soldiers.
- Managed the Battalion security plan, accounting for threat analysis, physical security, and all force protection measures for over 400 Soldiers through continental US based and foreign based rail, convoy, and forward combat base operations.
- Responsible for the security of classified computer systems, a digitally equipped command post vehicle, and all intelligence related field equipment in excess of $4 million dollars. Responsible for the welfare, morale, and training of one officer and four enlisted Soldiers.
(3 years, 3 months)Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees