MSG(P) Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)

MSG(P) (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
72% Complete
0 Endorsements
46 Contacts
Influence Score: 6,137
473 out of 15,980 E-8s
About Discussions


  • PVT Oct 05
  • PV2 Apr 06
  • PFC Nov 06
  • SPC Jun 07
  • SGT Jun 08
  • SSG Feb 10
  • MSG Jan 14


SFC Swint’s contributions and dedication to the Field Artillery Community and the Army throughout his career have been impeccable. He is a member of the distinguished Sergeant Audie Murphy Club and a recipient of the Honorable Order of St. Barbara. SFC Swint also competed in the 10th Annual DA "Best Warrior" Competition.