SFC William Farrell

SFC William Farrell

Dates of Service: Nov 1969 - Jun 1996
100% Complete
3023 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,071,692
74 out of 867,878 Veterans
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  • PVT Nov 69
  • PV2 Feb 70
  • PFC Apr 70
  • SPC Feb 71
  • SGT Jun 75
  • SSG Jun 79
  • SFC Jan 85

Recent Activity  -


After a 26 year career, both active and reserve, am proud to have served and would do it all over again. Started out as a Field Wireman but only performed those duties briefly in Korea. Did many different things since then including truck driver in Nam, door gunner occasionally, and upon my return from Vietnam, and then most of my time in the Military Police until retirement. An Old Solider now!

Military Experiences

Jun 1995 - Aug 1995
Physical Secuirity NCO
As the physical security NCO, was responsible for all physical security of the installation.
Jun 1987 - Jun 1995
76th ORC
Drill Sergeant Candidate
Was a training NCO for a Infantry one step unit training company. Completed Infantry advanced training but did not want to perform as a drill sergeant and wound up going back to the Military Police from where I retired.
Feb 1983 - Jul 1987
310th MP
Assistant Operations Sergeant
As the assistant operations sergeant, I prepared weekly training schedules, ran the MP desk in Alexandria, Egypt during Operation Brightstar 85 and also during exercises in Germany in 1986.
Oct 1973 - Jan 1983
340th MP
Military Police Investigator
Started out as Military Police Officer, eventually being promoted to SSG, Military Police Investigator. This was a great assignment and taught me a lot about police work.


(2 years, 2 months)
Aug 1986
Command post exercise in German countryside of Geibelstadt.
Aug 1985
Operation Bright Star - Egypt
Ran the MP Desk in Alexandria, Egypt. Supervised MP Field Operations and then performed customs duty and inspections of troops returning to the United States.
Feb 1971 - Jan 1972
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Did a lot of different jobs in Vietnam including driving a truck hauling supplies to firebases, signal communications and sending classified casualty messages back to the Pentagon, flying door gunner on helicopters with the 23rd Infantry Division Aviation when ever I could. Operated flight communications for 101st Aviation Battalion, PhuBai.
Feb 1970 - Jan 1971
South korea
South Korea
Served as a Field Wireman at Camp Saint Barbara which was very close to the DMZ. Learned how to watch for Commies! Climbed telephones poles, installed field wire, ran a message center with two South Koreans for I Corps Artillery. A great learning experience for a 17 year old!

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 1994


Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1989 - 1991

University of Rhode Island

Bachelor's Degree, Communicative Disorders and Education

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter