33% Complete
0 Endorsements
6 Contacts
Influence Score: 220
165,908 out of 867,937 Veterans
165,908 out of 867,937 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Been thrown in S-4 shops a good chunk of my 20 (2/7, 5/10, Sup Bn 4th MLG, 2nd Mar Reg, & Wpns Train Bn Quantico, worked in only one ASP twice (MCB Quantico 97-2000, & 2011-2013)
(2 years, 5 months)Dec 2006 - Feb 2008

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
RCT-2, Camp Ripper, Al Asad. Attached to Task Force Tarawa at Korean Village, dealing with logistics for units on the Jordan, and Syrian boarders.
Jul 1994 - Feb 1995