PO1 Sherry Paschal

PO1 Sherry Paschal

Dates of Service: no date specified
42% Complete
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,536
17,027 out of 864,885 Veterans
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Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Apr 2006 - Present
Site Coordinator
Retired in 2000, Divorce final from HM1 Nate Couch, Remarried in 2006, moved to CO in 2010.
Mar 2013 - Apr 2006
Jan 1996 - Feb 1999
Service Member Decision Review
Senior Medical Department Representative, Independent Duty Hospital Corpsman, PRT Coordinator, SAVI Volunteer, N&MCRS Fund Drive Coordinator
Jan 1996 - Feb 1999
Service Member Decision Review
Senior Medical Department Representative, Independent Duty Hospital Corpsman, PRT Coordinator, SAVI Volunteer, N&MCRS Fund Drive Coordinator

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Oct 1991 - Nov 1992

Surface Force Independent Duty Hospital Corpsman School

Aug 1986 - Nov 1986
