Lt Col Thomas Wright

Lt Col Thomas Wright

Dates of Service: no date specified
46% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 633
57,093 out of 868,052 Veterans
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  • 2d Lt
  • 1st Lt Jul 95
  • Capt Jul 97
  • Maj Nov 03
  • Lt Col Nov 08
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1993

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Sep 2009 - Present
Lt Col
Deputy Program Manager for Operations and Fielding, Colorado Springs, CO 80914
Responsible for $153 million annual budget execution, staff hiring, contract oversight, and program execution. Manages the cost, schedule, performance and system security of network systems to meet stringent warfighter requirements.
• Project manager and led engineering to develop and implement plan to transport and install a critical missile defense network node providing crucial access to missile data; ensured multi-million dollar defense test was successful
• Developed critical missile defense network integration strategy for a key missile defense early warning radar; led to approval of a plan to provide a reliable, robust network system; enhanced ability to capture and integrate IT/business requirements
Jun 2009 - Jun 2010
Chief of Senior Leader Programs
Provides sound, expert technical advice to Air Force senior leaders as Chief Technical Officer for Air Force Manpower Systems. Interprets personnel policies and programs; implements automated solutions as needed to support objectives.
• Developed software package to improve existing board scoring tool to conduct first ever automated Command Chief Master Sergeant selection board; lauded by Chief Master Sergeant Group
• Led team to build software package to support the 2008 Air Force Brigadier General and flawlessly scored over 1,000 records quickly and efficiently; lauded by the 4-Star Board President
• Lead project manager for capability portfolio management team to establish $55 million budget for Junior Recruit Officer Training Corps program
Jun 2008 - Jun 2009
Program Manager, Air Force Test and Evaluation Investments
Advises MAJCOM, Air Staff, and OSD leadership on Test and Evaluation (T&E) infrastructure policy, requirements, and resources. Plans, programs, budgets, and executes $2.4B as program element monitor for T&E Investment, Modernization (I&M) and combat development.
• Demonstrated attention to detail to provide prompt, effective action to resolve critical Aircraft Evaluation Program funding shortfall; quickly identified and secured $3.3 million to enable aircraft upgrade in support of critical military exercises
• Skillfully advocated for five 2008 Air Force projects to get $2.8 million in funding to support critical test information systems; greatly enhanced Air Force’s capability to conduct system testing; rated as the number one of 3 majors in the branch
Jun 2004 - Jun 2008
Operations Division Chief
Maintains and operates $8M of hardware and software to provide robust communication and information systems equipment for military ceremonies and special events, operational exercises, and National Special Security Events. Coordinates with over 40 interagency partners and component forces to ensure robust, secure, interoperable communications are readily available.
• Established and implemented 12-member communications support team for the 2005 Presidential Inauguration; ensured commander had 24 hour/7 day reliable communications for event security; won Information Technology of Year Award
• Directed communications support for 1,700 personnel in 3 locations in support of the State Funeral; flawlessly support and key to the execution of world-class ceremony for 38th President

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter