CPT Benjamin S.

CPT Benjamin S.

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
74% Complete
0 Endorsements
19 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,453
664 out of 25,541 O-3s
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  • Cpl Apr 91
  • Sgt Oct 93
  • SPC Mar 96
  • SGT Mar 98
  • SSG Mar 00
  • 2LT Jan 07
  • 1LT Jul 08
  • CPT Mar 10
Commissioning Source:  OCS, Jan 2007


Intelligence Officer (All Source Intelligence Management) US Army January 2007 – Present (7 years 8 months)|CONUS and OCONUS Directs, supervises, and coordinates the planning, collection, evaluation, fusion, analysis, production, and dissemination of all-source intelligence and counter intelligence at all echelons. Performs multidisciplined collection management and coordination of surveillance. Uniformed and Plain Clothes Security Officer Bayou Caddy's Jubilee Casino L.L.C./ Lighthouse Point Casino L.L.C. January 1996 – March 1996 (3 months)|Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi Deckhand / Oiler Tidewater Marine March 1995 – May 1995 (3 months)|Lake Charles, Louisiana Area UTILITY VESSEL "DARBY QUEEN" -Ranging from 85 to 150 feet in length, Tidewater’s utility vessels can be configured to meet our client’s endless array of speci

Military Experiences

Oct 2014 - Present
Apr 2013 - Oct 2014
111th MI BDE HHC
Special Projects Officer
S3 Special Projects Officer for 111th MI BDE S3 111TH Military Intelligence BDE, BDE S3, BDE HHC April 2013 – Present (1 year 5 months)|Fort Huachuca, AZ Special Projects Officer (S3) of the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade, a 5,000-person training brigade consisting of four subordinate battalions located at three geographically separate locations, responsible for executing MI IET, IMT PME and Functional courses for over 10,000 students annually. Provides oversight over special projects as tasked by the BDE S3; including the development of plans and implementation of new initiatives in support of 58 courses; coordinates with USAICoE G3, TRADOC, and other external organizations as required.
Sep 2009 - Feb 2010
1-84 FA
Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2)
Battalion Intelligence Coordinator AS2 for 84th FA , 170th IBCT, 1AD September 2009 – March 2010 (7 months)|Baumholder Germany Coordinates, supervises, and participates in all-source current intelligence indications and warnings, threat analysis, and general intelligence activities focusing on the intentions, geography, and military capabilities of foreign nations, with primary focus on the ground forces. Develops collection and production requirements, and the acquisition of information and intelligence including targeting of strategic collection resources. Evaluates, interprets, analyzes, and produces general intelligence products in support of Department of Defense requirements.
Sep 2007 - Sep 2009
4-27 FA
Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2)
Battalion Intelligence Coordinator AS2 for Task Force 4-27 FA, 2BCT, 1AD September 2007 – September 2009 (2 years 1 month)|Baumholder Germany / Iraq Provides the commander with all-source intelligence assessments and estimates at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels dealing with enemy capabilities, intentions, vulnerabilities, effects of terrain and weather on operations, and predicts enemy courses of action. Directs tasking of intelligence collection assets; produces threat estimates to support doctrine, training; and combat developments; ensures proper dissemination of intelligence information and products; manages interrogation operations of enemy prisoners of war and line crossers.