83% Complete
0 Endorsements
83 Contacts
Influence Score: 12,614
4,635 out of 867,953 Veterans
4,635 out of 867,953 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Over 15 years of combined experience in Management and Supervision with Administrative and Military Intelligence Specialties in the U.S. Army. Supervised, managed and accounted for personnel, property, and equipment through coordinating, implementing, and overseeing a variety of programs and operations.
Military Experiences
Nov 2011 - Sep 2012
Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
Assistant Battalion Operations Officer (S3) for III Corps, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion consisting of over 1,100 personnel. Planned for, resourced, and evaluated all operations and training requirements in support of III Corps Headquarters. Responsible for the rapid and safe worldwide deployment of individuals and units to support training and contingency operations for III Corps. Coordinated supplies, services, force protection, movement, and life support for the Corps Main Command Post and the Corps Forward Command Post. Responsible for Training Readiness and the Command and Control of four U.S. companies. Supervised the efforts of one junior Officer, seven Noncommissioned Officers, and one junior enlisted Soldier.
Jan 2011 - Nov 2011
Company Commander and Army Base Mayor
Served as the Forward Operating Base (FOB) Spin Boldak Mayor providing essential life support and services to over 3,000 employees (DynCorps contractors and tenant units). Responsible for the accountability, maintenance, and supply discipline of 36 vehicles, 17 high-capacity generators, 12 trailers, communication equipment, automation, and associated sensitive equipment valued in excess of $141.6 million. Mentored and trained junior Officers and Noncommissioned Officers, Department of the Army civilians, and U.S. and local contractors in the base.
Commanding Officer of a deployable Headquarters and Headquarters Company, which provided command and control and combat service support to the Brigade Headquarters in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).
Commanding Officer of a deployable Headquarters and Headquarters Company, which provided command and control and combat service support to the Brigade Headquarters in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).
Dec 2009 - Jan 2011
Human Intelligence Officer
Served as the primary brigade Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Officer (S2X) for a highly specialized Battlefield Surveillance Brigade, responsible for developing a Human Intelligence collection plan that supported the overall intelligence collection plan of the brigade. Maintained close working relationship with the brigade S2 and operations staff to ensure HUMINT operations are relevant, synchronized, and supportive of the overall operations plan of the brigade. Maintained staff supervision over subordinate Military Intelligence battalions and Cavalry Squadron HUMINT Collection Team (HCT) and integrated the information gathered by the HCT during tactical operations into the overall HUMINT database at brigade for evaluation and dissemination.
Dec 2009
Military Transition Team Cadre
Riley Mobilization Deployment Brigade (RMDB), Bldg. 1833B, Camp Funston/Fort Riley, KS 66442
Served as the brigade Assistant Logistics Officer (S4) and cadre while awaiting transition to the next unit located at West Fort Hood, Texas. Responsible for assisting the primary brigade S4 in maintenance and supply of seven military barracks and associated equipment and furniture valued in excess of $125 million. Additional duties included providing life support to Soldiers returning from combat operations in Iraq.
Served as the brigade Assistant Logistics Officer (S4) and cadre while awaiting transition to the next unit located at West Fort Hood, Texas. Responsible for assisting the primary brigade S4 in maintenance and supply of seven military barracks and associated equipment and furniture valued in excess of $125 million. Additional duties included providing life support to Soldiers returning from combat operations in Iraq.
(3 years, 6 months)Jan 2011 - Aug 2011

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Company Commander, Forward Operating Base (FOB) Spin Boldak Mayor
Jan 2009 - Dec 2009

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Military Transition Team (MiTT); Iraqi ISR Battalion Advisor, Coalition Intelligence Officer, MiTT Cadre, Assistant S4
Jun 2006 - Mar 2008

Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 2005
Information Assurance Officer Course
Jul 2000 - May 2004
Fitness Leader Course
Information Management Officer Course
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills
Tagalog (4+/4+)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2000 - 2004
United States Military Academy (USMA, West Point)
Bachelor's Degree, International Relations